Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The best way to start your school day

Hi there, how are you? I'm doing good today I'm going to share with you what I like to do to help me do better in school and to be happy. The first thing that I like to do in the morning is pray it helps me to have positive thoughts. Then I like to get into the shower, because the water helps me to wake up. Next I enjoy eating a healthy breakfast, what I had today was yogurt topped with granola, cranberry and almonds with orange juice and a banana it was so good.

Soo good!

After I eat breakfast, I double check to make sure that my homework assignment is in my homework folder and a pencil is in my backpack then I am ready for school. When I pray and get in the shower with warm water and eat a good breakfast I do good in school. Today I did all of these things and got on a good color at school and the effects of me getting on a good color was going to the movies with my grandpa so that was rewarding. I was very proud of myself and will work on getting on an even better color tomorrow.

How do you start your day?


Kia said...

Great ideas Jalen! How long has this been your morning routine? What happens when you don't follow these steps each day?

Shameka said...

Praying is the best way to start the day. You are very responsible and God will lead you in the best direction everyday. I start my day by speaking to God and having a conversation with him as well.

Jalen said...

This has been my morning routine for a few weeks now. And what happens when I don't follow these steps each day is, something feels weird and I just follow them right away. Thanks for your comment Kia��������

Jalen said...

Thank you Shameka and thank you for the comment.