Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The worst distraction for drivers and children

Hi, today I'm going to talk all about the worst distraction for kids and grown ups.

Video games

First, this one is famous to children like me, video games. Video games are fun and all but it's really just a big distraction because what if you were going somewhere? You would slack and be late and nobody likes that. And that's the problem. 

Parents can solve this by having the children not play for a while. That worked for me. My PS3 has been off for 3 weeks so that trick worked good on me to help me stay focused on what's really important. So now I am going to show you a video. This video is going to show what the worst distraction for drivers is.


There are a lot of distractions.
A distraction can be anything that stops you from doing what you’re really supposed to be doing, like homework, spending time with God, blogging, or working.

Remember folks don't have these distractions (especially for driving). Until next time my friends, be safe and stay focused.

 Click Here

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Movie Review: Angry Birds

Ok so I went to my first advance movie screening and it was awesome. This movie was about friendship, practicing self-control and sticking together. Most movies come from books, but this movie comes from an app and I thought that was pretty cool. This is the second movie that came from a game app and the first one was ratchet & clank. I wonder if they will turn minecraft into a movie one day. The movie screening that I saw over the weekend was Angry Birds and it was cool.

In the movie, the red bird ("Red") had anger issues and he learned how to control them. In angry birds my favorite character is Bomb, the exploding black bird and he is also the second largest bird. I like him because he can explode. My favorite scene is when the mighty eagle made a bad first impression, you will have to watch the movie to see what I'm saying. When you watch this movie please let me know who your favorite character is.

It opens in theaters May 20 2016, so go check it out.

I would give this movie 3 stars out of 5, only because there are some inappropriate parts other wise I would have given it 5.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Celebrate everyday!

Have you ever wanted Mother's Day to be every day? Well I want Mother's Day to be every day, and here's why. First, it is respectful to do things for your mom all the time. Second, I am happy when
I do things for my mom. Third, it's just a good thing to do. Mother's Day is all about your mom so don't be selfish. You only get one so be nice and do nice things!
I learned that Mother's Day is celebrated on May 10th in Mexico!

                                                                   What did you do for Mothers Day?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Giving to others.

Hello my readers, today I am going to talk to you about how I felt when I was giving to others.
I will share my story with you... I seen a man sitting on the ground outside of an empty building in the cold and I was shocked and sad for him because I just thought that he needed something. And he needed something that could change his life or at least his night so I was thinking that I wanted to do something to help. I have seen other people sleeping on the streets before and I don't know why, but what ever the reason is I want to try to help. I remember when my grandpa gave his shoes off of his feet to give to a man that had no shoes on, my grandpa went to school with him when he was younger and I always think of that time. I felt really happy and it put smiles on everyones face when you help. That is what I want to do. This was a really great experience. So to give back what I did was I put supplies in a bag. 
The supplies I put in were toothpaste, toothbrush, pocket tissue, socks, lotion, granola bars, water bottles and chex mix.

I gave it to the homeless man and he shared it with a friend. Those people were sure happy. I like seeing smiles on peoples faces. 
I wanted to share these stories with you because I believe in this quote Just because we can’t help everyone doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help someone.” No matter how small we are we can make a change.  

So how will you give to others this week? Share your story in the comments.
"Be The Good"

Thanks to Marie Forleo for sharing kindness and sharing what Mother's Day is all about. #IStandWithLove #MothersDay #TheCompassionCollective